What is Pregnancy Stretch Marks?
Stretch marks, the lines that develop on the abdomen, as well as on other areas of the body, are a common skin concern in pregnancy. While they pose no risk at all to mother or baby, the discomfort created if they lead to itching, the cosmetic effects of their appearance, can cause pregnant women much distress.
What causes pregnancy stretch marks?
The cause of pregnancy stretch marks (or striae gravidarum) comes down to two factors.
Firstly, there is the physical stretch of the skin that occurs in pregnancy (and in other periods of rapid weight gain such as adolescence). While the skin adapts to continuous movement by expanding and contracting, during these periods the skin has insufficient time to adjust. The skin tears as the body expands faster. The resulting scar that forms from this tear is called stretch mark.
The second factor, which is still a subject of debate among experts, involves the priming of the skin by increased levels of hormones in pregnancy. Together, these hormones attract more water into the skin, which relaxes the bonds between collagen fibers. This makes it easier for the skin to tear when it is stretched and for stretch marks to form.
When and where do they form?
Stretch marks generally become visible during the later trimesters of pregnancy (around the sixth or seventh month), some women will start to see them forming as soon as their bellies start growing. Their pattern of development follows three stages.
Stages of stretch marks during pregnancy:
Stage 1: Early stretch marks will appear pink in color, and may also be itchy. The skin immediately around the stretch marks may also look ‘flattened’ and ‘thin’.
Stage 2: Gradually, the stretch marks will enlarge in length and width and become a reddish or purple color.
Stage 3: Once the stretch marks have matured, they lose their reddish/pink hue. In the months after pregnancy, they will start to fade and become pale white or silver. They may also appear slightly depressed and irregular in shape or length.
Fatima Mustafa –
I personally use vita age mama recommended by my doctor for pregnancy stretch marks , and got excellent results, Alhamdulillah now my skin absolutely fine without marks.